ExFor+ C.I.C are a Community Interest Company established as a Not for Profit, This means we do accept donations to aid our work, however these donations are not tax-deductible to the donor, nor are they able to claim Gift Aid relief. ExFor+ C.I.C. are not a charity and are not regulated by the Charities Commission, we are regulated by the C.I.C. Regulator.
We do engage and work with charitable organisations and we may have charitable subsideries in the future.
ExFor+ C.I.C are a Non Profit Organisation registered as a C.I.C (Community Interest Company) any donation is always welcomed, all funds donated will be used to aid the ExFor+ C.I.C objectives. (Reasoning for Non Charitable status provided below*)
Donations will be used to develop ExFor+ C.I.C services, these services are for the benefit of the community along with supporting individuals and their families, that have served or supported our country, either within HM Armed Forces or as members of the Uniformed Public Services for at least one day.
Donations will be utilised to employ individuals that leave service that are deemed as being WIS (Wounded, Injured and Sick) or difficulty in gaining longterm and sustainable employment, this is to aid them with their transition from service, they may stay with ExFor+ C.I.C. or look to move onto a further employer. The Veteran will be supported in all aspects of the employment transition and if future employment does not work out for them, they can return to ExFor+ C.I.C. as an employee. This offers a continuous support service and employment for veterans.
This will in-turn be providing members of the United Kingdom, including those that have served and their family units with the help to provide them with longterm and sustainable careers and life by aiding their physical/mental health and wellbeing.
One of our aims at ExFor+ C.I.C is to also enable social change and develop individuals that are currently unemployed, offenders, individuals having health difficulties (Physical or Mental health) or facing hardship, to re-enter into employment or to achieve a better quality of life. ExFor+ C.I.C will aid their cohort to become a more productive member of society once again.
If you feel that our ideals and direction are in line with your personal beliefs. Please feel free to donate a sum that you are able to afford, without causing yourself or your family financial diffiuclties. You can look to do so on the links available below.
All our accounts and financial figures will be published for you to review and all business costs will be included.
If you would like to discuss opportunities of; sponsorship, advertising or partnering with ExFor+ C.I.C please do not hesitate to contact us on:
Tel: 0800-001-6144

* The reasons as to why charitable status has not yet been sort are as follows:
Pro's and Con's of being a charity sourced from: ww.KnowHowNonProfit.org: https://knowhownonprofit.org/basics/setting-up-a-charity/charitable-status/pros_and_cons_of_becoming_a_charity
Restrictions as to what funds/donations can be used for, sourced from www.inbrief.cu.uk: http://www.inbrief.co.uk/charity-law/use-of-charity-money/
Equality and diversity and charities exception, sourced from Charities commission: http://forms.charitycommission.gov.uk/media/89618/equality_act_guidance.pdf
A C.I.C is a step between a business and a Charity and will work for the support of the community.
At present it is the intent of ExFor+ C.I.C. to operate and undertake business related activity to develop surpluses to undertake the objectives of ExFor+ C.I.C. further.
Charitable status may be pursued in the future, if so we will provide advanced notification on our website of the proposed change in legal formation.