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Veterans at Work Support Services:


• your employer to support and understand you

• you whilst you are in work 

• you with your career and recovery 

• with signposting and engagement with charities

• with enhancing the work place environment 

• with Health & Wellbeing 

• to increase effective communication

• to increase staff and business productivity

• to reduce; time off, redundancies and unemployment 


This service is primarily focused at employers of veterans and service leavers, but if you are a veteran needing support whilst within employment please do not hesitate to contact us or make your employer aware of our specialist support service . 


Many employers are advised of the benefits of employing veterans and service leavers, these benefits are often significant and outweigh the stigma often attached to individuals leaving the Armed Forces or Uniformed Public Services.


However prevention is often better than cure, if and when an issue arises, will you as an employer or as a member of staff be able to understand each others ways of thinking and backgrounds to resolve these quickly and efficiently. 


As an employer you will be looking at ways in which to remove or mitigate against prospective difficulties that your work force may face before they arise, aiding you to achieve your goals and a higher level of productivity within your organisation/business.


Our aim is to reduce the associated costs and expenses incurred from; time off, redundancy, recruitment, training and staff development and sickness.


How will this be achieved? Please do review our purpose built website for our support services for veterans who are in work:


Investors in Veterans
  • Aiding veterans to maintain and excel in their new roles

  • Aiding in the prospective increase of productivity

  • Direct veteran to veteran support at the place of employment

  • Supporting Employers to access support for veterans and service leavers from the right services.

Veterans and service leavers are very capable and well respected individuals, their transferable skills and experiences from service are a benefit to any employer. However, should you be an employer of individuals that are known to be veteran or service leavers, please do make contact.


Why?, this is about maintaining an effective, highly trained and productive individual to be the best that they can be within their next steps in the civilian world.


The elite sports cars of this world need regular servicing and maintenance to get the best out of the high performance machines, it is comparable to the support needed for those who have left service. To get the best from anyone or anything they need to be supported to be able to achieve this.


As an employer if you would like to support those who you employ that are are veterans of HM armed forces or Uniformed Public Service personnel do not hesitate to make contact.  

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It should be  made clear that ExFor+ has signed the Armed Forces Covenant and supports the  initiative.

UKPRN: 10053284

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