Take control of
ExFor+ C.I.C. are an organisation that employs WIS (Wounded, Injured and Sick) Veterans from the Tri-services and related Uniformed Public Services working for and with veterans and the communities in which they live.
We are designed to be here to work with you, support you and enhance your future. We also aim to provide community support and development utilising the skills and experiences that you have gained through your service, with yourselves either as a volunteer or ourselves being your employer on a full or transitional basis.
Only you are able to make the changes to your life but with our Peer to Peer Support structure you will receive appropriate Information and Guidance from those that have been in the same or similar positions as you, that have successfully transitioned from a forces or services life/career to one of a civilian.

Keep talking
Your experiences from your time in service, do not and will not define you as a person however, they will have had an impact. They will also help you to convey your skills, experience and expertise.

Leaving the services can be a very traumatic time often when it is forced upon you due to ill health, medical discharge, redundancy or of your own choosing. When you leave and the transition process is not supported as well as it could be, you can and may often feel lost without a goal or a purpose.
It is our belief and goal to move you as smoothly from your career, to your new life with as much or as little support as you wish to engage with.
We are a community of those that have experience of life within service and know what it will have meant to you.
We will always make you feel welcome and if you wish to talk or discuss anything with an adviser or through our Peer to Peer support programme please do not hesitate to contact us either through normal channels or through our Peer to Peer request link.
Talking changes lives, the more open you are with us the more we will be able to help. If it is just sharing an experience with someone that understands, through to family support, Information and Guidance regarding next steps or through up-skilling, retraining and becoming the best you can be. We are here to support you no matter what, for as long as you need our support, "working with you to enhance your life".
We will work with you by way of signposting to relevant organisations and training providers through to internal training courses/workshops at our current locations of delivery. The courses/workshops that will be available, will be individualistic to aid and support your learning and will provide you with the support at the level required for you, to make the best out of your transition in to civilian life and/or further career.

Request Peer to Peer Support >>
When requesting support please provide us with as much detail as possible, about you and your current circumstances. All initial contact will be made via email to make sure you receive an appropriate adviser for your circumstances.
Your Greatest Self.
Through the personalised training, Information and Guidance, and family support you will be able to choose a path to develop, have a chance to discover your new direction and become the best in your field.
We aim for this to be achieved
through; our training and learning environments and enhancement projects, through to our specialised providers of accredited training courses and education.
You will be able to continue to provide for yourself and develop the country that you have worked so hard and sacrificed your time to protect. You will also be able to develop future businesses and social regeneration.
In many ways you may not have decided to leave the Forces or Services and this can often be a difficult thing to deal with, not only for yourself but also for your family and friends, who we are also here to support whilst you are taking back control.
It is your life and you know what you want to get from it, things may have happened in the past that you are still having to deal with but as the old saying goes "Rome was not built in a day".
At a time in your life, when you feel as if you are having to deal with everything and the changes that often happen, can often be daunting and we are here to provide you with the tools, to manage with daily activities and also, helping you to inspire a new generation.

"Supporting you to become the Best, you can be"
I have created this website and organisation because I am aware of the difficulties we have when transitioning from Service through to civilian life. There is a huge lacking in communication and the collaboration of support, I hope ExFor+ will be able to support where others do not.
Simon Adams CEO/Founder