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Logo design and breakdown:




I chose “ExFor+” for the reason that when I left the Royal Marines, everyone used to ask what I did for a living. My career in the Royal Marines was the achievement that I was most proud at the time, I would always refer to myself as "ex forces having served as a Royal Marine Commando”. It has taken me a considerable amount of time to come to the point where I have realised that I and all those that leave HM Armed Forces and the related Public Services are much more that just "ex forces”. You are more than this! you are “Plus" Plus your experiences, your drive and your determination to succeed at whatever you are able to put your mind to, we as members of the ex forces and service community, have the innate drivers of determination to succeed and the stubbornness, get up and go from any knock downs and negatives we have experienced to get up and carry on.


"Working together, Enhancing lives"


Having been a member of one of the UK's Elite fighting forces and having worked with many individuals through other specialist units "team work is everything". Within service you learn to rely on the individual next to you, you have to be confident in their skills and abilities as they do in yours. 


Within service you are trained to be even, if it is not always in your nature to be a "team player" you have to work together and by doing so you enhance each others abilities and skill sets, achieving the desired direction and outcome. If we as a nation work together? we will enhance lives.


The Grey Planet:


The Grey planet signifies an empty world or one that is baron, this is how I felt when I left the Royal Marines, I walked out of the gates of my camp once my medical discharge had been confirmed and my TX date was reached, as a single individual that had been cut off from those that I saw, lived and worked with everyday. In to a very grey and unnerving world, one that I was not prepared for. 


Along with all the difficulties that I was still having to deal with both by way of physical and mental health, my future was not bright and I perceived the world to be a very grey place with no prospects of development or career. As I change the lives of others I would like the grey planet to be a living logo and change with every person that ExFor+ helps.


The Blue "graduated" Background:  


There are many colours in this world and many have very differing meanings and significance, I attach a link to a website that details the meaning of colours and what they mean I also attach a colour chart that is found on the website that denotes and outlines what they mean and I am sure you will see the ones that I have chosen and what they mean:

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It should be  made clear that ExFor+ has signed the Armed Forces Covenant and supports the  initiative.

UKPRN: 10053284

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Registered in England and Wales under number: 09647390


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ExFor+ C.I.C. 

71-75 Shelton Street, 

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